
« Burt, William Burton, Asa Burton, Edward »

Burton, Asa

BURTON, ASA: Congregational minister; b. at Stonington, Conn., Aug. 25, 1752; d. at Thetford, Vt., May 1, 1836. He was graduated at 316Dartmouth, 1777; ordained minister at Thetford, 1779, and spent his life there, laboring for the spiritual, social, and material welfare of the community in the way of the old-fashioned New England clergyman. It is said that he trained sixty young men for the ministry. He published Essays on Some of the First Principles of Metaphysics, Ethics, and Theology (Portland, Me., 1824).

Bibliography: A Memoir by Thomas Adams was printed in The American Quarterly Register, x. 321–341, Boston, 1838.

« Burt, William Burton, Asa Burton, Edward »
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